To revert this, click on the "Steam Workshop Downloads" entry in the Extensions menu of the game's main menu and restart your game.
You deactivated Steam Workshop Downloads. Therefore quit and restart X Rebirth (don't forget to save your game before) and load your save. Mods are only downloaded, when you start X Rebirth. Your game was already running, when you subscribed to the mod. If, after its installation, the mod is not available in the game, then this can have a number of reasons: When you start the game now, the mod will be downloaded and should be available in the game. On the mod's Workshop page, click on the green Subscribe button. If you click on the image or the name, you will be forwarded to the mod's Workshop page, where you can find additional information. When you hold your mouse cursor over a preview image, a short description will be displayed. Locate the mod(s) you want to install by browsing through the Workshop items. Alternatively you can open the Workshop by hovering your mouse cursor over the Community tab, clicking on the Workshop link and searching for X Rebirth there. Open the Steam Client, go to the X Rebirth entry in your game library and click on the Workshop link. The Steam Workshop is a mod repository provided by Steam, which you can open directly from the Steam Client. Third-party extensions (scripts and mods) for X Rebirth can be installed either manually or through the Steam Workshop. How do I install third-party extensions (scripts and mods)?